Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Today's Daily Factul - 12/10/2010

Black Magic Act?

Read here--->Syor kerajaan gubal Akta Jenayah Sihir 

I don't know where to start. The egg or the chicken comes first? Well, same thing applies here, as to establish the fact that black magic can be proven (scientifically) and then create the act? Or create the act and then prove black magic? Yours to decide.

Anyway, true to the 'spirit' of Factul, here's a glimpse of the future.

John Labu mysteriously 'vanished' during dusk.

Case detail
During dusk everyday, Mr. John Labu, 33, (still a virgin) will mysteriously 'vanished' with out a trace. Sometimes they'll found him at graveyards (chanting numbers no one can understand), sometime at ceilings (of the village widow's house) and sometimes at cyber cafe back corners hidden from everyone. Report no RP/BM/001- was lodged at Balai Polis  Brickfield, and case was investigated by Unit D666 Black Magic - Seksyen Jenayah Ghaib.

The Forensic Team - Led by Chief Inspector Jeanne Toncit, has found  3 DNA's belonging to 3 suspects, extracted by using an Ouija Board. Details of the DNA's as below.

DNA Type / Suspect  / Location found
3000 Celcius Triple Helix / Fire Mambang / Ceiling of Pah Janda
Ether (CH3OC2H5) / Wind Mambang / Keyboard of Cyber Cafe
Oxisol / Soil Mambang / Graveyard 

Based on the evidence, all 3 suspects has been apprehended and locked into 'biscuit tin' cap Chipsmore (sekejap ada sekejap tak ada). A specially vacuum sealed room was used for interrogation and a mediatator was called to question the suspects. After hours of mantras, finally the suspects admitted to kidnapping the victim under orders from Bomoh Ekor Mat Kapor. 

John Labu did not pay commission to Mat Kapor the Bomoh after winning lottery from the numbers he had given. In revenge, Mat Kapor summoned 3 Mambang's to kidnap John Labu, by offering them with duck blood.

Black Magic Court Judge, Dato' Ken Chin Koat, after considerably examining the evidence and hearing all the crap from the prosecutor has pass these sentences.

Fire Mambang, Wind Mambang and Soil Mambang was sentenced to life imprisonment inside a tin, dumped at sea until the tin oxidize and can never return until summoned again.

Mat Kapor a.k.a Bomoh Ekor was sentenced to 15 years in jail and tongue cut-off so he can't 'jampi' anymore. This is also to avoid him escaping from prison by placing black magic to the guards and hypnotizing them to let him out.

Case Closed. John Labu never played 'nombor ekor' again, he moved on to play Internet poker.

Sources: Berita Hairan.

Disclaimer - Artikel diatas tiada kena mengena dengan yang hidup, atau yang sudah mati, atau yang ghaib.