Monday, March 22, 2010


CUPPING or BLOODLETTING translates to "BEKAM". I'm sure why you guys wondering, why a post about bloodletting, and the answer is because I underwent one yesterday, for a pain that was buggering me wrist for about 3 weeks already. I was originally offered a 'massage' but then after a couple of pinching and painful pressing, I was induced to try 'bekam' as the Makcik says 'Ini kalau urut pun takkan baik punya, bekam aje'. And hence, here's some of the factuls about Bloodletting.

Bloodletting draws out bad blood from your system..and your money too..
Of course it draws blood, what else? And those bloods are said to be the bloods that is bad, containing all the dead blood, uric asids, and so on. So how are we going to prove that? Litmus paper? I have no idea how, but when those bloods are out, after 10mins of cupping, it seem to be a bit funny where the color is a bit darker and it gelled like 'dadih'. When asked why, the Makcik says 'Darah awak pekat nie, tak pernah bekam ke? Kalau darah orang eksiden merah, cair tak jadi pekat cam nie'. Ooo..ok...And how much it cost me? Initially she asked for RM15 per cup, so I told her just gimme 3 cups, as I told her I brought only RM50, but then she put on 5 cups, which prompt me to ask her, that's going to cost me more, and she said don't worry, 'ada diskaun'. And at the end, RM 50 changed hands. Quite a cost for a 15 minutes process, and me wrist still hurts.

Bloodletting is good, when in an honest, know what you're doing hands.
It was said that bloodletting is following the "Prophet way" as advertised in the pamphlet from the shop, and checks with Mr. Wiki confirms this. So, me arguments is that, it's probably a good treatment, but why does my hands still hurts. Why? Here's why. When at the start of the process, the Makcik brought out a shaving tool and started to shave my hands. I don't have problems shaving my macho arms hairs, but the problems is the shaver is full with somebody else's hair! Shoot!! Where's your safety and health guidelines?Never heard of HIV ka? How come a medical practitioner didn't know this. It started to piss me off but, as a good patient that trust the 'doctor', I told her to stop (even though she just managed to trim a bit off) and change the blade. 'Ini yang saya malas nak buat bende camnie. Setakat nak tukar pisau pun susah ker? Baru berapa sen aje mata pisau tu?' in a good, nice manner. So, she changed the blade and I found out that she was using a good one, which is Gillette,and I guessed that's why, because Gillette is not cheap, it's about 70 cents each, so I asked her why don't you just use the cheaper TOPAZ blade, and the reply was 'Tok guru saya ajar macam nie, tak boleh suka-suka tukar, pisau ni buaya pun boleh potong'. Kih kih kih, I laughed in temper. But the process goes on.

After shaving another handful of my arm hair, she brought out the cups. There's small cup, big cup, medium cup, cups with profile at the mouth, and so on (I wondered if they are labeled as cup A, B or C... No D, I guess..). She then started to position the cups to my arm, and start sucking the air out by using a what it seems to be a hand pump. This time, the hand pump has  smear of bloods at its handle. I was about to cancel the process, but I asked 'Camner awak nak potong, pakai nie ke?'..'Tak nanti awak tengok ler'..Twice I asked but I got the same answer, but when I saw her breaking a new Gillette blade in half, I'd calmed down. But then, another awkward moment happens when she couldn't position the cups, when pumped, the cups holds for a while and dislodged because the pressure was off, and the surface was too small to get a proper vacuum on. 'Biasa ler kat pergelangan tangan ni memang susah sikit nak letak'. So in the end she put it where it can hold, but not where the pain was. Again as a good patient, I had let the good 'doctor' proceed as they know best.

After she pumped about 5 spots, the surface turned a bit darker, she'd removed a cup and started to make small incisions by using the broken blade, and to tell the truth, the pain was quite joyful, and there was a girl next to the booth, who is being duped into joining a cheap, low cost travel package (not like me, I am not being duped, I am voluntarily) was watching, and she started to 'Ish..aa..tengok tu orang bekam dia hiris tangan..Eee'..and I just smiled like there was nothing happening, "macam gigit semut jer..". It was about 10 to 15 small incisions made per cup on the skins, when after those incisions, she put back the same cup on the same spot and pumped the air out again. This is when, all the bad blood was pouring out, and you can feel the pressure sucking it. It was quite a new sensation, when I noticed that suddenly, the booth was full of people watching. People shoving theirs head around to watch and I felt, they must think I'm insane by doing this. Again, normally, these 'procedures', will be done in a closed booth, which they have in site, but for me, as it was only for one arm, she said it will be fine as you don't need to lie down, so I agreed to do it outside in the open, which I never thought that in the process I would be subjected to be the 'lab rat' for the others to check upon. I just smiled back to those people and then turned my head, looking down and thinking how can this be happening to such a skeptic like me.

Meanwhile, the Makcik noticed that one of the blood started to bubbles. She showed me that and said 'Yang berbuih tu sebab asid'..'Oh ye ke..' ..But when closely inspected, I found that there was a leak coming from between the skin and the cup mouth, so I showed her, and said 'Nie buih ni pasal bocor nie...kat sini..' She just blinked. So, from all those experience, I had come to the conclusion which, bloodletting is good, when in an honest, know what you're doing hands. And me wrist still hurts. 

Bloodletting leaves marks.
A hell lot of marks. Yes it will leave bruises marks, but not only that, there was marks of unproper planning, marks of no point, marks of self destruction,more painful marks and marks of disbelief in my mind to why in the world I had done this. But, some goods has come out from this. First, I got to blog about it, you can read first hand experience about bloodletting, and we could learn something good from it, like, me wrist still hurts.


Bloodletting is a SCAM?
Well, I am not saying that the kind of treatment is, but from the above experience, I came to the conclusion that the people running it, is probably running a scam. Why? Additional to the pieces above, I had noticed some tell tales that is typical to a standard scam (my on ISO standard on scams).

First, luring or setting up the bait. They do this by luring you with something like let me just check first, when you're hook, then they sell you their most expensive items. In this case, the Makcik offer me feet massage,but I don't need one. Since my wrist was aching, I asked can you instead massage it? Can, she said, and you know the rest of the story, how I was hooked and the process begins, from initially just checking to a full hand cupping.

Secondly, questions is answered, but not to the question itself. Confusing? Right, when asked about further details, they will answer to it, but the answer is guiding you somewhere else. Example, when asked about how long does this bruise marks will disappears, the answer was 'Sapu aje minyak ni nanti hilang ler'. When asked, how do you clean all this equipment, the answer was 'oh semua bawak balik ke kedai, cuci guna chemical'...'Jadi banyak ler cup nie...mana tak nampak pun?'..'Eh..ada.. banyak lagi kat kereta, berbeg-beg lagi'....ya ka..

Thirdly, putting faith as a confident-ship. They will tend to attract us by showing that the  treatment is considered an Islamic treatment, included in the hadith and so on. They even went for asking my name, and then without reason, my mother name and then, asked me to cite 'Al-Fatihah and selawat 3x', before the treatment begin,(and before the cupping is offered) just to show that they are running an honest business. Since I normally would just avoid things like these, I guess you are wondering why after all those tell tales and I still got duped? Well, simply because, some people still have that senses of trusting other people without bad judgment, and consider all people are good at heart, but the main reason was because me wrist hurts and I needed to solve it.

And in the end, my wrist still hurts and I should have just gone to see a doctor..

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Here are the top 5 factuls for today. 

GST to be imposed, while "golf buggy" import duty abolished. 
Read here, and here 
Yeah, we normal people plays golf  a lot and golf is the number one most important sport here. Play golf, eat golf, sleep golf, because everything else is not important. People first my behind. 

PM Jib and friends commissioning the new cheaper buggies.

Comedy King at Slovakia. 
Or Klentong King? 
Should be King of Klentong's. FAM --> What a bunch of liars...
The most interesting part is where the the guy said, "we are not stupid" to pay for the games, teams etc, but instead it turned out they are paying a lot to be there and those game are only friendlies. Yes, he's right, he's not stupid, he's the king of morons. 

Mr. Tevez divine retribution.
Tevez flip flop 
He he he, JT will be wearing "Welcome to the club" undershirt after this.

GELI - Gerakan Anti Liwat.
Geli nak baca here 
Aww geli you... Geli or gila glamour? Anyway, I don't really care about what the movement agenda, but the name really made my day..kih kih kih..

F5E Engine - Just scrap it.
F5E - Engine to bring back
Aiyoo...come on la, why want to waste money getting it back here? Just sell it as scrap or something and you can save some money for it. Instead, you are wasting the cost for the lawyers, Mr. Guni Petai air tickets, and then the cost to bring it back here, for aircraft's that are  no longer in services. For what ends? Pride? Your pride is already gone when the engines was stolen..

Friday, March 5, 2010

5 FACTULS why I don't have a Facebook account

Facebook. Translated to BM will probably says Bukuwajah or Mukabuku. Sounds like an African name, "hello my name is Mukabuku and I am from timbuktu"..hehe..Anyway, here's the 5 reasons why I don't have a Facebook account....and probably will not want to..

Facebook is only for Superheroes.
Mere mortals like you shouldn't be there...

Facebook is the university for training mafia's, farmer's and fishmonger's.
You will rewarded with gun's, rare centipedes and exotic fishes, instead of a degree...


Facebook make's you unemployed.
Don't make your boss caught you while facebooking...

You can't trust everyone on Facebook.
You're probably talking to a dog..

Facebook will turn you into a fan.
It really does..

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


FACTOIDS ? What the hal is that? Like cactoid monster from Final Fantasy ka (pic)? Anyway, according to Mr. Wiki (my all knowing pak sedara),

A factoid is a questionable or spurious—unverified, incorrect, or fabricated—statement formed and asserted as a fact, but with no veracity. The word appears in the Oxford English Dictionary as "something which becomes accepted as fact, although it may not be true."[1] However, the word can sometimes mean, instead, an insignificant but true piece of information. In either formulation, factoids are potentially factual, just not self-evidently so.

Yes, that's what the blog is all about. My own factoids, in my own way and terms, which i would phrase it as 'factul', therefore lead to naming of the blog and this first 7 factoids (or factuls). Enjoy reading..

Factul = Factoid

Yes that's right. But here, the very main purpose I'm blogging (huhu mcm terer jer buat blog) is to list down all the factoids that i came across, which in no particular reason just to waste my time (and yours), by confusing the readers on what is actually the fact and whats not, or just by simply making out facts (or factoids, as those politicians does) and generally be amongst the blogger that don't actually know what they are talking about (and pisses off people for that, which I'm trying hard, really hard after this)..

Factul =
fact + betul ?
Yes, no or maybe. Whatever you may read here will be my own factoids, right or wrong, true or false, whether it is subjected to the living or dead, patented or not, copyrighted or plagiarized, will be decided by your own state of mind, i.e If it is mental, you can go bonkers. If it is funny, you can smile. If it is sad, please cry. If it make you think what you think it is, do whatever you please (or comment) and come again for more factuls...

Factul = fu*k betul ?

No. Certainly not. Mana boleh mencarut. (boleh caya ka?) Like i said, what state of mind are you now..:)

Factul = conscience ?

First of all, lets understand conscience. According to Mr. Dic (great name, eh?) another of my unrelated pak sedara at,


1.the inner sense of what is right or wrong in one's conduct or motives, impelling one toward right action: to follow the dictates of conscience.
2.the complex of ethical and moral principles that controls or inhibits the actions or thoughts of an individual. inhibiting sense of what is prudent.

You be the judged, as i don't want to confused you more than i am now, which means i am confusing you with things that i am confused about, or pretend to be, just to let you be lost in the world of factoids and finally letting your conscience get to you...? Great, i found mine..or is it?

Factul = happyness ?
Right, I am happy to say that factul is a very happy place, lots of humour, funny pics, anything that's tickle your funny bones, in fact, factul is so happy it will go to ridicule, mock, banter,taunt,insult and make satire or sarcasms out of anything, anyone or topics so that the readers will feel so happy, they don't care whether it's a fact or factoid anymore. Happyness ? I've seen that before...~.~

Factul = information ?
If you are here for information, then you are at the right place. No where else you can find so much information about something that is stolen from other sites, did not exist, made up or created just for the hell of it, except here. Believe me when i say this, because factul is so full of double or maybe triple meaning to what it says, you will be diluted with so much information ..and rubbish...and craps...

Factul = merepek ?

Kah kah kah, merepek betul la blog nie. Actually, it is already gone merepek now, (tahap gaban) but it will be more merepek even latter, but who cares? Again, all this 7 factuls are meant to be like that. It is to justify what's coming and what's going on in this blog. Got the idea while having too much work and no pay, which then lead to cursing to the facts that's not right, creating the word 'factul' as item no 3. in the list, (which been denied as merely as a suspicion, to those who suspect it is) and finally blogging about it, trying to make sense out of it, but instead it turned out to be some rambling that some mortals would never understand. And that's the beauty of it, to some people, the more they don't understand, the more they scrutinized and propagate thus making them feel better at the end of the day. I mean to some, not you. Scrutinize? go check with Mr Dic..

That's it. 7 factoids about factul to begin with...I am going bonkers........